The concise Oxford dictionary of mathematics



The concise Oxford dictionary of mathematics

Richard Earl and James Nicholson

(Oxford paperback reference)

Oxford University Press, 2021

6th ed

  • : pbk


Oxford concise dictionary of mathematics

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3




With over 4,000 entries, this informative A to Z provides clear, jargon-free definitions on a wide variety of mathematical terms. Its entries cover both pure and applied mathematics, and include key theories, concepts, methods, programmes, people, and terminology. For this sixth edition, around 800 new terms have been defined, expanding on the dictionary's coverage of topics such as algebra, differential geometry, algebraic geometry, representation theory, and statistics. Among this new material are articles such as cardinal arithmetic, first fundamental form, Lagrange's theorem, Navier-Stokes equations, potential, and splitting field. The existing entries have also been revised and updated to account for developments in the field. Numerous supplementary features complement the text, including detailed appendices on basic algebra, areas and volumes, trigonometric formulae, and Roman numerals. Newly added to these sections is a historical timeline of significant mathematicians lives and the emergence of key theorems. There are also illustrations, graphs, and charts throughout the text, as well as useful web links to provide access to further reading.


List of contributors Preface A to Z entries Areas and volumes Centres of mass Moments of inertia SI units and constants Geometry: equations of lines and planes Basic algebra Derivatives Integrals Common ordinary differential equations and solutions Series Convergence tests for series Common inequalities Trigonometric formulae Probability distributions Vector algebra and differential operators Groups of orders up to 15 List of primes up to 1000 Symbols Greek letters Roman numerals Fields Medal winners Millennium Prize problems Historical timeline

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