Unpaid work and the economy : a gender analysis of the standards of living


Unpaid work and the economy : a gender analysis of the standards of living

edited by Antonella Picchio

(Routledge frontiers of political economy, 46)

Routledge, 2003

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 26



Includes bibliographical references and index



In economics, the voluntary sector is surprisingly understudied. In order to fully understand economics, unpaid and voluntary work needs to be taken into account and afforded the same status as paid activities. This book constitutes a rigorous economic analysis with special emphasis on gender issues and covers every conceivable angle of unpaid work and all its ramifications for the modern economy. The unified vision offered by this group of leading contributors ensures this book is a work of excellent quality. There is every chance it will become a seminal study on unpaid work and as such will provide a useful reference for students and academics involved in gender studies, econometrics, and consumption studies.


Antonella Picchio Introduction 1. Antonella Picchio A Macroeconomic Approach to an Extended Standard of Living 2. Tindara Addabbo Unpaid Work by Gender in Italy 3. Tindara Addabbo and Antonella Caiumi Extended Income Estimation and Income Inequality by Gender 4. Antonella Caiumi Unpaid Work and Household Living Standard: Equivalence Scale Estimation and Intra-Family Distribution of Resources 5. Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti Unpaid Work and Household Well-Being: A Non-Monetary Assessment 6. Giuliana Campanelli 'Convenience Consumption' and Unpaid Labour Time: Paradoxes or Norms? 7. Gianna Claudia Giannelli and Chiara Monfardini Unpaid Work Consequences of Staying Home. A Gender Analysis of Young People, Family Co-Residence and Implications for Unpaid Work 8. Elisabetta Addis Unpaid and Paid Caring Work in the Reform of Welfare States 9. Tindara Addabbo and Massimo Baldini The Gender Impact of Workfare Policies in Italy and the Effect of Unpaid Work

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