Modern sexism : blatant, subtle, and covert discrimination


Modern sexism : blatant, subtle, and covert discrimination

Nijole V. Benokraitis, Joe R. Feagin

Prentice Hall, c1995

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Includes bibliographical references and index



Appropriate for use in sophomore/junior level course in Gender Roles or Sex Roles in departments of sociology or women's studies. This book provides stimulating and thought-provoking examples of and solutions to everyday experiences with sexism. It documents the dynamics of sex discrimination ranging from blatant to subtle to covert inequality. Additionally, it demonstrates how sexism is embedded at individual, organizational, and societal levels, and at the same time suggests remedies for eliminating sexism at each level.


1. Sex Discrimination in the 1990's: Progress and Illusions of Progress. 2. Woman's Place in a Sexist Society: Society, Organizations, and Individuals. 3. Blatant/Subtle/Covert/Discrimination: An Overview at the Societal Level. 4. How Overt Sex Discrimination Works. 5. How Subtle Sex Discrimination Works. 6. How Covert Sex Discrimination Works. 7. Women of Color: A Double Disadvantage. 8. Some Consequences of Sex Inequality. 9. Getting Rid of Sex Discrimination: How Can It Be Done?

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